Introduction: Edward Berenson, Cliff Chanin and Denis Peschanski
Session 1:
President: Edward Berenson, co-director of NYU / CNRS Unité Mixte Internationale “Transitions”, co-director «Memory and commemoration”
Children and Traumatic Memory
Henri Parens, psychiatrist, «Being hidden: trauma, adaptation et their consequences”Daniella Doran, history, Colgate University, “Remembering lost children; memory of Holocauste” Jack Saul, psychologist and director of international Programme d’études on trauma, Columbia School of Public Health, «Resilience and common response to children’s needs after 9/11″
Session 2:
president: Denis Peschanski, CNRS, Scientific Consulting Counsel, Mémorial de Caen, co-director of “Memory and commemoration”
Memory and its dissatisfactions
Katherine Fleming, history, vice-rector, director, Remarque Institut , NYU, «Nationalisme and memory policy in modern Grece ” Ophelia Deroy, philosophy, London, sensory memories, singularity and conservation problem”Adam Brown, psychiatrist, NYU School od Médecine, «Traumatism impact on memory and auto-identity”
Session 3
Stéphane Grimaldi president, director, Mémorial de Caen
Archeology of memory: Archeology of death
Father Patrick Desbois, Yahad-in Unum Mark Schaming, director of collections, New York State Museum Frances Torres Comment: Brigitte Sion
Session 4
President: Clifford Chanin, National Septembre 11 Memorial and Museum
Diplomacy, State memory: discussion round table
Antonin Baudry, culture Conselor , French Ambassy Inigo Ramirez de Haro, director of cultural Affaires of Consulat general of Spain in New York conclusive remarcs: Carol Gluck, l’histoire, Columbia University