
Welcome to Matricememory, the EquipEX MATRICE website on individual and collective memory of the Second World war.

Photo and video credits :
Mémoriel du Camp de Rivesaltes©
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah©

More informations on the french matricememory page

Editorial by Denis Peschanski

L’édito de Denis Peschanski – Matrice – Avril 2013 par EQUIPEX MATRICE







MATRICE is an Equipement d’excellence, a government-supported program and part of the French “Grand Emprunt” (Big Loan) to boost research and innovation in the country. Among the first winners of these grants, MATRICE starts in 2011 an innovative technological platform and mobilises joint efforts of twenty four partners to develop tools for the research community; it major goal is to help better understand interaction between individual and social memory.

Dialectic, transdisciplinarity, mathematical modelling, complexity are the four pillars of this novel technological platform and of the paradigm change in Memory Studies we claim for.

Experimentation is needed to test our working hypotheses. It is experimentation that should prove, at the end of the day, the relevance of what we believe to summarize our major epistemological choices. First, dialectic: we stipulate that it is necessary to take into account interactions between the social and the Psyche. Transdisciplinarity is a logical consequence of that claim: we need to call for all fields concerned by memory dynamics; and not only at the beginning, when everyone has to present his/her subject definition, analytical methods and expected results, but also to set up together the questions and the experimental design to answer them. Given that we work on data for which a qualitative approach is not sufficient and computation is often very complex, mathematical modelling is another substantial feature of this approach. Finally, we meancomplexity in the sense of Edgar Morin: a system that contains various elements and is a different from a sum of its parts. Such a system develops singular properties specific to this whole. All the work with the ten-year MATRICE program will be based on these theoretical and empirical principals.

Two historical upheavals have been chosen as privileged, though not the only, topics, given their crucial importance: the Word War II and 9/11 2011. Only confrontation between academics and museum professionals, only joint mobilization of human and social studies, life sciences and engineering, will allow us to meet the challenge that goes beyond the experiments that we propose to question the research foundations in Memory Studies.



Colline Lapina, Mathieu Rodic, Denis Peschanski, Salma MESMOUDI, “The potential genetic network of human brain SARS – CoV-2 Infection”, bioRxiv, the preprint server of biologydoi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.06.027318. 

Claire ANDRIEU (Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris), “Témoignages sur Ravensbrück. Retour sur la déportation des résistantes de France. “, Session 5, 3 mars 2020, March 3rd, from 16 to 18pm,  Monthly seminar Matrice-INA-Programme 13-Novembre. Location: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, salle 6.


Francis EUSTACHE (EPHE – PSL), Jacques DAYAN (Univ. Rennes 1), Robert JAFFARD, Denis PESCHANSKI (CNRS)  « Mémoire et traumatisme. Les résultats d’un sondage réalisé par l’IFOP pour l’Observatoire B2V des mémoires », Session 1, 2019, November 5th, from 16 to 18 pm, Monthly seminar Matrice-INA-Programme 13-Novembre. Location: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, Galerie Soufflot, Salle 1.


Marc CREPON (ENS – PSL), « La philosophie à l’épreuve du terrorisme », Session 2, 2019, December 3rd, from 16 to 18 pm, Monthly seminar Matrice-INA-Programme 13-Novembre. Lieu: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, salle 216.

Find here the interview of the New York District Attorney, M. Cyrus VANCE Jr. to Channel New York 1, after his speech in the symposium

→ Franco-American Conference in Law, Criminology, Economics, history and Philosophy, New York, September 10th 2019

“What is suffering worth ? Perspectives across disciplines on the treatment of victims”, at the Columbia University, French House, New York

→ International Workshop, June 14th, 2019 :

“Memory, accomodation: New approaches to visiting memorials and museums”, at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Amphi II.A., from 9.30 am to 5 pm

 Workshops INA, MATRICE,  Programme 13-Novembre 2018 – 2019.

Theme of the year: Following-up the different components of the 13-Novembre program : perspective and broader questions

 Workshops INA, MATRICE, Programme 13-Novembre 2017 – 2018.

Theme of the year: Challenges and initial results of Programme 13-Novembre

 Workshops INA MATRICE 2015 – 2016.

Theme of the year: Image processing, from 15h to 17h30, INA, 85 rue Patay, 75013 Paris

→ Workshop: September 14th, 2015 MATRICE

From open data to multi-level cerebral dynamics
Institut des Systemes Complexes (ISC), 113 rue Nationale, Paris 13

→ Séminaire de Master 1 (Université Paris 1), novembre-décembre 2015, 9 rue Malher, 75004 Paris

Les Outils de la recherche en Memory Studies

→ Workshop INA MATRICE 2011 – 2012

Theme of the year: Memorial Museums

→ Workshop INA MATRICE 2010 – 2011

The of the year: “Memory and its discontents”

“Memory and memorialization : representing trauma and war”

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